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G. Schirmer Piano Library Of Musical Classics

        KUHLAU                               SATIE                                 MISCELLANEOUS PIANO ALBUMS
            Sonatinas                        __3 Gnossiennes (#1876) .....................................6.99  __Album Of Progressive Piano Classics
            __Book 1 (#52) ..................................................9.99  __3 Gymnopedies (#1869) ....................................7.99          (#1314) ..........................................................9.95
            __Book 2 (#53) ..................................................8.99  __Album Of 25 Piano Classics (#1315)............16.99
            __Complete (#2065) ........................................15.99  SCARLATTI  __Baroque Era Piano Album (80 Favorite Pieces
                                                 60 Sonatas                                by Bach, Couperin, Handel, Purcell & Scarlatti)
        LEMOINE                                  __Vol. 1 (#1774) ..............................................12.99          (#2119) ........................................................14.99
        __Etudes Enfantines Op.37 (#175) .......................9.99      __Vol. 2 (#1775) ..............................................12.99  __Classical Album - 1P/4H (#371) ......................9.99
                                                 __In One Volume (Complete) (#2063).............21.99  __Classical Era Piano Album (15 Favorite Pieces
        LISZT                                                                              by Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart) (#2120) 14.99
        __Consolations & Liebestraume (#341) ................6.99  SCHMITT         __18 Original Piano Duets ( #1764) ..................17.99
            Rhapsodies Hongroises            __Preparatory Exercises Op.16 (#434) .................5.99  __French Piano Collection (48 Pieces by
            __Book 1 (#1033) ............................................12.95             Chaminade, Couperin, Debussy, Faure, Ravel
            __Book 2 (#1034) ............................................12.99  SCHUBERT          and Satie) (#2118) .......................................16.99
                                             __Fantasias Op.15, 78; Impromptus Op.90, 142;   __95 Waltzes For Piano (#2132) .......................16.99
        LOW                                          Moments Musicaux Op.94 (#75) .................14.95       Piano Masterworks
        __Teacher And Pupil Book 1 - 1P/4H (#472) .........8.95  __(4) Impromptus Op.90 (#1125) ..........................9.99      __Early Intermediate Level (#2109) ................16.99
                                             __(4) Impromptus Op.142 (#1126) ........................7.99      __Intermediate Level (#2110) ..........................16.99
        MacDOWELL                                                                      __Upper Intermediate Level (#2111) ...............16.99
        __Sea Pieces Op.55, New England Idyls Op.62  SCHULZ                            __Early Advanced Level (#2112) .....................16.99
                (#1811) ........................................................12.95  __Scales and Chords in All Keys (#392) ...............4.99  __Romantic Era Piano Album (51 Favorite Pieces
        __12 Etudes For The Development Of Technique                                       by Brahms, Chopin, Fauré, Field, Grieg, Liszt,
                and Style Op.39 (#1908) ...............................9.99  SCHUMANN          Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff, Schubert,
        __Woodland Sketches Op.51 (#1805) ..................6.95  __Album For The Young Op.68 (#1993) ................8.99          Schumann, Scriabin and Tchaikovsky)
                                             __Album For The Young Op.68; Scenes From          (#2121) ........................................................14.99
        MacFARREN                                    Childhood Op.15 (#2094) ............................10.99  __Russian Piano Album (78 Pieces by Kabalevsky,
        __Scale and Arpeggio Manual (#1037) ...............15.99  __Carnaval Op.9 (#89) ........................................10.99          Mussorgsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff,
                                             __Fantasiestucke Op.12 (Fantasy Pieces) (#92) ..6.95           Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky) (#2115) ....19.99
        MENDELSSOHN                          __Forest Scenes (Waldscenen) Op.82 (#1690) ....4.95  __Scales and Finger Exercises (Berens, Czerny,
        __Album Of 25 Piano Favorites (#1968) .............10.99  __Papillons Op.2 (#1544) ......................................7.99          Hanon, Plaidy, Schmitt, Wieck) (Upper Elem to
        __6 Pieces For Children Op.72 (#558) ..................4.95  __Scenes From Childhood Op.15 (#101) ..............5.99          Lower Interm) (#2107) ...................................8.99
        __Songs Without Words (#58) ............................10.99                  Selected Piano Masterpieces
                                             SCRIABIN                                  __Early Intermediate Level (#2128) ..................9.99
        MOSZKOWSKI                           __16 Preludes (#1684) ..........................................7.95      __Intermediate Level (#2129)............................9.99
        __15 Etudes de Virtuosite Op.72 (#1798) ...........10.99                       __Upper Intermediate Level (#2130) .................9.99
        __Spanish Dances Op.12 (#255) ..........................9.99  STRAVINSKY       __Early Advanced Level (#2131).......................9.99
                                             __Three Early Ballets (Firebird, Petroska and   __Selected Solos By Romantic Composers
        MOUSSORGSKY                                  RIte Of Spring) (#1978) ...............................19.99          Book 1 (#1718) .............................................9.95
        __Pictures At An Exhibition (#2007) ......................9.99                 Selected Sonatinas
                                             STREABORG                                 __Book 1 - Elementary (#1594).........................7.95
        MOZART                               __12 Easy and Melodious StudiesOp.64 (#479) ...7.99      __Book 2 - Intermediate (#1595) .......................8.99
        __Favorite Piano Works (#2101) .........................14.99  __12 Very Easy and Melodious Studies Op.63       __Book 3 - Lower Advanced (#1596) ..............10.99
            19 Sonatas                               (#478) ............................................................6.99      Sonata Album
            __Complete (#1304) ........................................22.99           __Book 1 (#329) ..............................................13.99
            __Book 1 (#1305) ............................................14.99  TSCHAIKOWSKY      __Book 2 (#340) ..............................................12.99
            __Book 2 (#1306) ............................................15.99  __Album For The Young Op.39 (#816) ..................5.99  __Sonatina Album (#51) ....................................10.99
        __Original Compositions For Piano, 4 Hands       Nutcracker Suite Op.71a   __Sonatina Album (abridged) (#265) .................9.99
                (#1735) ........................................................14.99          __Piano Solo (#1447) ....................................8.99  __32 Sonatinas & Rondos (by Clementi, Kuhlau,
        __6 Viennese Sonatinas (#1797) ..........................7.95              Piano Duet          Beethoven & others) (#693) ......................13.99
                                                         __Book Only (#1359).................................9.99
        PISCHNA                                          __Piano Duet Play-Along (#2082)
        __Little Pischna (#898) ..........................................5.99                      (w/ Online Audio) .............................15.99
        __Technical Studies (#792) ...................................9.99  __Piano Collection (Album For The Young, The
                                                     Seasons, The Nutcracker Suite & 80 Other
        PROKOFIEV                                    Selected Piano Pieces) (#2116) ..................16.99
        __Music For Children Op.65 (#1772) ....................8.99  __Seasons Op.37a (#909) ....................................9.99
        __Peter and The Wolf (#2041) ............................15.99
        __Visions Fugitives Op.22 (#1901) .......................7.95  WIECK
                                             __Piano Studies (#66) ...........................................9.99
        __Complete Preludes Op.3, 23, 32 (#2001) ........14.99
        __Etudes Tableaux Op.33, Nine Etudes
                Tableaux Op. 39 (#2002) .............................12.99
        __(10) Preludes Op.23 (#1630) .............................7.95
        __(13) Preludes Op.32 (#1631) .............................8.99  MOST ORDERS SHIPPED
        __6 Moments Musicaux Op.16 (#2013) ................8.99
                                                     THE SAME DAY                       TWINKLE, TWINKLE,
                                                                                            LITTLE STAR...

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